Date — November 2022


دراسة حول العنف الجنسي ضد النساء في لبنان والتبليغ عنه

سلّطت هذه الدراسة الإحصائية الوطنيّة التي قامت بها منظمة أبعاد الضوء على جرائم الإعتداء الجنسي في لبنان حيث هدفت الى معرفة مدى لجوء النساء اللواتي يتعرضن للعنف الجنسي للتبليغ عن هذا العنف، وما هي أسباب الامتناع عن التبليغ.
Annual Reports

Annual Report 2021

Find here the ABAAD ANNUAL REPORT 2021: “Gender-based violence prevention & Response during social-economic deterioration”. Lebanon remains stuck in a state of ongoing crises. In such contexts, risks of violence against women and girls surge. Still, women and girls in...

مشاركة النساء السياسّية

غالبيـة 88% مـن الناخبيـن/ات في لبنان يعتبرون أن النسـاء قـادرات علـى القيـام بواجبـات نائـب مُشّرِع فـي المجلـس النيابـي. واحدة من نتائج عديدة خَلُصت إليها دراسة كميّة ونوعية نفذتها منظمـة “أبعـاد” بدعم مالي مـن صنـدوق الأمم المتحـدة للديمقراطيـة UNDEF تحت عنوان:...

The Status of Women with Disabilities in Lebanon

The Status of Women with Disabilities in Lebanon: A Snapshot of Socio-Political and Economic Impacts from an Intersectional Lens  

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Justice for me is living free and as a human being

An Analytical Study of Access to Justice for Sexual and Gender-Based Violence case of Syrian Refugees in Lebanon The aim of the study is to understand the pathways that Syrian refugee women utilise to access justice for SGBV cases in...

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Baseline study: “Toward a Gender-Equitable Society” Project

This report captures findings from the baseline study of the project “Toward a Gender-Equitable Society” implemented by Search for Common Ground (Search) and ABAAD-Resource Center for Gender Equality (ABAAD). The expected impact of the project is to “contribute to an...

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The Sorrow Remains Inside – Executive Summary

Executive Summary – This report is developed by ABAAD in coordination with The Global Women’s Institute at the George Washington University. It provides a better understanding of mental health among adult women survivors of GBV in Lebanon, in order to...

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The Sorrow Remains Inside – full report

This report is developed by ABAAD in coordination with The Global Women’s Institute at the George Washington University. It provides a better understanding of mental health among adult women survivors of GBV in Lebanon, in order to increase awareness among...

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CALL TO ACTION on Protection from Gender-based Violence in Emergencies

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a terrible effect on women’s and girls’ rights, health, and protection. However, the pandemic has also highlighted the critical role that local women-led and women’s rights organizations play—including as service providers. In 2020, partners of...

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Annual Reports

Annual Report 2020

In a year like no other, as the world faced a globalpandemic, Lebanon was struggling with overlappingcrises. Between the spread of the COVID-19 virus atalarming rates and the devastating explosion inBeirut killing more than 200 people, the situation inLebanon has...

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Strengthening Socio-Economic Services in Emergency Shelters in Lebanon

This learning and recommendation report on how to approach livelihood for gender-based violence survivors benefiting from emergency safe sheltering programs. Analysis and recommendations are based on the identification of best practices and lessons learned from survivors themselves, professionals working in...

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UNSCR 1325 and its complementary resolutions

Mainstreaming WPS agenda into approaches and programme design of the security and Media institutions and civil society organizations Knowledge Guide

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+961 81 78 81 78

مركز الدار الآمن للنساء والفتيات
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+961 76 06 06 02

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