Promoting Positive Parenting, Supporting Gender-Equal Relationships and Strengthening Active Fathers’ Involvement in Early Childhood Development
ايماناً منا بأهمية دور الرجال والفتيان في الوقاية والحد مــن العنــف ضــد النســاء والفتيــات وضــروة إشــراكهم بشــكل فعــال فــي قضايــا الصحــة والحقــوق الجنســية والإنجابيــة، والتركيــز علــى كيفيــة تداخــل الصحــة والحقــوق الجنســية والإنجابيــة مــع النــوع لإجتماعــي وحقــوق المرأة، حيــث أن عــدم...
It stems from our belief in the vital role of men and young boys in preventing violence against women and girls and the necessity for them to be actively involved in issues of sexual and re-productive health and rights and...
This manual addresses the issue to manage cases of gender-based violence remotely and offer social counseling.
Program GBVGender Equality
Program PSEA
During the Generation Equality Forum that ended March 31, each Action Coalition launched a blueprint for concrete and ambitious actions that would accelerate change towards equality. You can find the commitments and actions of all the Action Coalitions outcomes in...
During the Generation Equality Forum that ended March 31, ABAAD, being one of the global leaders of the Action Coalition on Gender-Based Violence, worked with other co-leaders to shape this blueprints on GBV. Discover more in this report.
key findings and recommendations on the impact of COVID-19 on gender equality, peace and security in Lebanon.
Program Gender Equality
تجريم التحرش الجنسي وتأهيل ضحاياه، قانون رقم 205 – صادر بتاريخ 30-12-2020 تم نشر هذا القانون في الجريدة الرسمية العدد 1 – الصادرة بتاريخ 7-1-2021