Training manual designed to provide sessions on stress and anger management with a secondary emphasis on Gender analysis of the topic.
Enhancing Lebanon National System for the Prevention, Protection, and Response to Gender-Based Violence.
Program Primary Prevention
Tags naseej
Making Sense of Child Marriag among Syrian Refugees in Lebanon
Program GBVSRHR and Sexuality
Incorporating mental health, social norms and advocacy approaches to reduce intimate partner abuse
Program GBVGender Equality
This cross-sectional, descriptivepilot study examined contraceptive knowledge, attitudes, barriers, needs and practices among young Syrian brides. Aconvenience sample of female Syrian refugees aged 13-25 who had married before the age of 18 was recruited through a civil society organization in...
Jina Al Dar flyer 2017 2018 target highlighting successes, challenges and recommendations
Program GBVGender Equality
Vous êtes libre de demander vos droits avant, durant et après l’entretien.
Survivors are entitled to know their rights before, during and after the investigation.
A Mixed Methods Study in Lebanon This study explores the underlying factors contributing to child marriage among Syrian refugees in Lebanon with the goal of informing community-based strategies to address the issue.
SenseMaker as a monitoring and evaluation tool for Gender-Based Violence programmes and services in Lebanon Lessons learned about feasibility and added value
Program GBVGender Equality
Brochure highlighting why it is important to Engage Men and Boys for Gender Equality, What individual men can do to become more involved, and FAQs about Engaging men.
Transformative Political Identities for Gender Equality in Lebanon