A few tips for men during the COVID-19 lockdown
Understanding Attitudes, Behaviors and Future Expectations
In light of the need to adapt service-delivery modalities regarding the COVID-19, ABAAD– Resource Center for Gender Equality, recommends the following best practices when agencies and other aid-providers (including community-based organizations) rely on text messaging and other messaging platforms to...
A new study examining the importance, as well as the availability and accessibility, of shelters in the Arab region This study, produced by ESCWA, in partnership with the United Nations Population Fund – Regional Office for Arab States (UNFPA-ROAS), Women...
Evaluation of an evidence-based parenting program in Lebanon reveals reductions in corporal punishment, men’s increased involvement at home, and improvements in couple communication.
This report comes as an annexure to the “GBV Rapid Assessment in Syria1,” also conducted by NCA, ABAAD, and GOPA-DERD in December 2018 and published in January 2019. Following secondary data review and informal field surveys with experts working on...
Program GBVGender Equality
There have been countless debates over the efficiency of data activism, in the sphere of feminism as well as for leftist activism more broadly. This policy paper offers a number of recommendations on the subject matter, including Promoting further understanding...
Program Advocacy
!من نساء لبنان وثائراته إلى كل إمرأة في العالم العربي …إلى كل النساء والفتيات ضحايا الإعتداء الجنسي ممنوعة_من_العرض# From the thousands of rebellious women in Lebanon… to the survivors of sexual assaults in the Arab World! We dedicate...
This report summarizes different case studies from prevention+ partners working on engaging religious leaders for ending violence against women and GBV