The MenEngage Lebanon Network, part of the Global MenEngage Alliance, aims to advance gender justice and social equality. The network engages men and boys in promoting peace, equality, and social change, collaborating with women and decision-makers to design policies for...
Program Gender EqualityMasculinities
This Learning Brief shares learning from Strengthening Civil Courage (SCC) partners in Iraq, Lebanon, Palestine and Syria on countering anti-gender backlash, as part of an ongoing effort to document gender within peace-building and human rights work.
Program Gender Equality
Tags peace-building
This study coordinated by ABAAD and funded by the United Nations Democracy Fund (UNDEF), under the project “Engaging civil society and youth in gender inclusive citizenship and leadership in Lebanon” explores how active citizenship can promote gender equality in Lebanon....
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Program Gender Equality
The Gender Integration Toolkit is a comprehensive training guide aimed at enhancing the capacity of partner organizations in integrating gender perspectives into their work. Its primary goal is to develop participants’ understanding and skills in addressing the impact of socially...
Program Gender Equality
The Gender Integration Toolkit is a comprehensive training guide aimed at enhancing the capacity of partner organizations in integrating gender perspectives into their work. Its primary goal is to develop participants’ understanding and skills in addressing the impact of socially...
Program Gender Equality
Mid-term review of Reform: Towards a strengthened quality response and inclusive and dignified durable solutions for GBV survivors in Lebanon – project supported by RDPP – September 2021
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Program GBVGender Equality
The REFORM project was funded by RDPP and implemented by ABAAD, aiming at the enhancement of gender equality and reducing Gender Based Violence cases in Lebanon, among both host and refugee communities. The project spanned between 2019 and 2022, for...
غالبيـة 88% مـن الناخبيـن/ات في لبنان يعتبرون أن النسـاء قـادرات علـى القيـام بواجبـات نائـب مُشّرِع فـي المجلـس النيابـي. واحدة من نتائج عديدة خَلُصت إليها دراسة كميّة ونوعية نفذتها منظمـة “أبعـاد” بدعم مالي مـن صنـدوق الأمم المتحـدة للديمقراطيـة UNDEF تحت عنوان:...
Program Gender Equality
The Status of Women with Disabilities in Lebanon: A Snapshot of Socio-Political and Economic Impacts from an Intersectional Lens
Program Gender Equality
Executive Summary – This report is developed by ABAAD in coordination with The Global Women’s Institute at the George Washington University. It provides a better understanding of mental health among adult women survivors of GBV in Lebanon, in order to...
Program GBVGender Equality