Assault Does Not Justify Assault – ABAAD's 16 Days of Activism during Lebanon's War

ABAAD: Protecting Women in Lebanon Must Always Be a Priority

Lebanon grappled with the devastating consequences of war for nearly a year. While the human, economic, social, and psychological costs of this war continue to rise, women across all areas faced heightened risks of danger, threats, discrimination, and marginalization. 

“Protecting women in all contexts must remain a priority, even in times of war. We fully acknowledge the immense burdens and costs of war, but these should not stand in the way of safeguarding women. “We fully acknowledge the immense burdens and costs of war, but these should not stand in the way of safeguarding women. This protection must be an integral part of national relief plans and multi-sectoral humanitarian responses”, stated Ghida Anani, founder and director of ABAAD”. She added, “Women across Lebanon are enduring physical and psychological dangers. We all know that violence, in all its forms, increases significantly in war zones, further exacerbating the suffering of women who bear various burdens during these crises and beyond.”

In this context, the campaign “Assault Does Not Justify Assault” was launched to underscore that protecting women must be a priority at all times especially during war, where women should never have to choose between protecting themselves or securing safe shelters for themselves and their families. The campaign calls for intensified sectoral efforts to shield women from all forms of violence and discrimination. It advocates for specialized psychological, social, medical, and relief support, emphasizing the importance of collaboration with humanitarian organizations to provide safe shelters, healthcare, and uninterrupted access to justice for affected women.

“In these challenging times for our country, it is crucial that women’s voices are heard across all platforms, and that we work collectively to uphold their rights and protect them from the repercussions of war,” Anani concluded.

// End of Statement //

إعتداء ما بيغطي إعتداء

أبعاد: حماية النساء في لبنان يجب أن تكون دائمًا أولوية

كان لبنان يرزح تحت وطأة الحرب وتداعيتها العديدة منذ ما يقارب السنة. وفي الوقت الذي ترتفع أكلاف هذه الحرب البشرية، الإقتصادية و الإجتماعية والنفسية ،كانت النساء ولا يزلن يتعرضن بكافة مواقعهنّ للخطر والتهديد والتمييز والتهميش. “إن حماية النساء في كافة المواقع يجب أن تكون أولويّة حتى في أوقات الحروب. نحن نفهم تمامًا الأعباء والأكلاف الجمّة، إلاّ أن ذلك لا يجب ان يكون عائقًا أمام توفير حماية النساء والتي يجب أن تكون جزءًا لا يتجزأ من الخطط والتدخّلات الإغاثية الوطنية و الإستجابة الإنسانية متعددة القطاعات” تقول غيدا عناني، مؤسسة ومديرة منظمة “أبعاد”،  متابعةً “إن النساء على امتداد الأراضي اللبنانيّة يعانين من الخطر الجسدي والنفسي ، فجميعنا عل يقين أن العنف بكافة أنواعه يرتفع بشكل ملحوظ في مناطق الحروب، الأمر الذي يزيد من معاناة النساء اللواتي يتحملن أكلافًا مضاعفة خلال النزاعات وما بعدها”.

من هذا المنطلق، جاءت حملة “إعتداء ما بيغطي إعتداء” للتأكيد على أن حماية النساء يجب أن تكون دائمًا أولوية في كافة الأوقات وخصوصًا خلال الحرب، حيث يجب ألا تجد النساء أنفسهنّ في موقع اختيار ما بين حماية انفسهنّ أو الحصول على ملاجئ آمنة لهنّ ولعائلاتهنّ. وتشدّد “عناني”على ضرورة تكثيف الجهود القطاعية لتوفير الحماية للنساء من كافة أشكال العنف والتمييز، وتوفير الدعم النفسي، الاجتماعي، والطبي، والإغاثي المختص خصوصاً بعد وقف إطلاق النار، كما تشدّد على أهمية تعزيز التعاون مع المنظمات الإنسانية لتوفير الملاجئ الآمنة، والرعاية الصحية، وعدم انقطاع الوصول إلى العدالة للنساء المتضررات.

“في هذه الأوقات الصعبة التي يمرّ فيها بلدنا، يجب أن يكون صوت النساء مسموعاً في جميع الميادين، وأن نعمل جميعاً من أجل ضمان حقوقهنّ وحمايتهنّ من تبعات الحرب، تختم “عناني”.

// انتهى البيان//


Female reporters covering the war in Lebanon carrying ABAAD’s Safe Line message and number on their protective vests.
Breaking News

Violence Against Women Cannot Be Overlooked

On Friday, 29 November 2024, ABAAD launched its campaign, “إعتداء ما بيغطي إعتداء” (“Assault Does Not Justify Assault”), focusing on the need to protect women during war. The campaign highlights that women should not have to choose between their safety and shelter for their families. It calls for stronger efforts to address violence and discrimination, while advocating for specialized support and access to justice. ABAAD also urges humanitarian organizations to provide safe shelters and healthcare for women affected by the crisis.

As part of the campaign, female reporters covering the war in Lebanon for the past two months are now carrying ABAAD’s Safe Line message and number on their protective vests (see their IG posts). This initiative highlights every woman’s right to safety and reminds us that one news story should not overshadow another, and one form of protection should not replace another.

In partnership with Al Nasharat, ABAAD’s campaign was highlighted as breaking news across major channels, including LBCI, Al Jadeed, and OTV. For months, these channels have been covering the war, but this partnership sends a powerful message: one crisis should not overshadow another. Violence against women is always breaking news, and through this collaboration, ABAAD ensures the issue remains at the forefront, even in times of conflict.

Ghida Anani, Founder & Director, ABAAD

“War increases the fragility of women’s rights, leaving them more exposed to violence, exploitation, and abuse. Even in the chaos, these crimes cannot be justified.”

— Ghida Anani, Founder & Director, ABAAD

ABAAD also collaborated with Lebanese newspaper An-Nahar, featuring the campaign on its cover, along with an interview with Ghida Anani and stories of survivors.

Lebanese newspaper An-Nahar, featuring the campaign on its cover, along with an interview with Ghida Anani and stories of survivors.

ABAAD also strategically placed billboards across the country featuring the Safe Line number, ensuring vital support services are visible and accessible to those in need.

Billboards featuring the ABAAD's Safe Line number
Press Release (EN)


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